Knowing we all have the same 24 hours in a day, ever wonder why some people seem to accomplish so much and others stay stuck in a rut? The biggest difference between the super productive and the rest of us is a clear direction. They live with purpose and plan each day with intention.
On this first day of 2016, would you like to start the year off with a plan? Let’s talk about setting goals.
It’s often said that goals are just dreams with deadlines. Here are my two questions for you. What would you like to accomplish this year? What’s holding you back?
I’m not talking about vague New Year’s resolutions, like be a better person, get organized and stop procrastinating. If your goals are that ambiguous, you’re sunk before you start. I’m talking about specific goals backed up by a plan. Easy as one, two, three.
1. Get a notebook and brainstorm the things you would like to work on this year. Now go through this list and choose the 3 most important. These are your priorities and should be your focus this year. You will make time for that which is important to you. If you don’t know what that is, how can you even begin to structure your time?
2. Visualize yourself at the end of this year. Go ahead and dream big! How do you see yourself in relation to your priorities? What changes do you need to make? These are your long-term goals. Life goes by quickly, if you’re not actively working toward your goals you’re wasting precious time. Pinpoint what’s holding you back from achieving your ideal life and create a solution for each sticking point. These are your short-term goals.
3. Next, break these short-term goals down into achievable steps. Break the big steps into baby steps and set this to a schedule. It’s essential you write this down.
For example, if your goal is to lose weight, don’t simply say “this year I’m going to get skinny” and expect it to happen. You need to set a realistic goal, say one pound a week. Decide what habits you need to change to lose a pound a week. What are your stumbling blocks? Be specific. Are you a late-night snacker? Plan healthy snacks. Need more exercise? Brainstorm ideas to move your body. Next, get your calendar and design your weeks, then months while setting goals. For example by week 10 you should expect to be down 10 pounds. Be reasonable and don’t expect magical overnight change. You need to plan for gradual but consistent improvement then make it happen.
Look for progress in your life as a whole. Every positive change has a ripple effect. See how managing your finances leads to less stress which helps you sleep which gives you more focus to do better at work and more energy to exercise which leads to better all around health and well-being. It’s all connected.
My wish for all of you in 2016 is that you create a life you don’t need a vacation away from.
Contributed by Patti Diamond from Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! www.divasonadime.com Join us on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom.
The biggest difference between the super productive and the rest of us is a clear direction.