AGE: 40
Owner, Anytime Flood Response
phone: 775-751-3566
BACKGROUND: “I have worked in the construction industry for 22 years and have always enjoyed construction because of the sense of accomplishment at the end of each project. It’s fun to create something from nothing or to take a space and make it better. I have had the pleasure of completing many remodels and homes for Pahrump Valley residents.”
FIRST JOB: “Working for Double Deal Pizza in Escondido, California. It was great bringing home pizza every day at the age of 15.”
YEARS IN BUSINESS: “We have been licensed contractors for 11 years and have been involved in the water restoration field for three years. We realized that Pahrump was lacking a true full-service restoration company that is capable of drying and repairing water damage, so we started Anytime Flood Response one year ago.”
PERSONAL: “I love to spend time with my wife and kids. We have a daughter 7, a son 5, and a new addition due this August. My daughter is an amazingly talented dancer and my son loves to play in his baseball league. I just celebrated nine years of marriage with my wife Joann, who works as a teacher for the Nye County School District. My guilty pleasure is great coffee. I enjoy it all hours of the day.”
BUSINESS CLIMATE: “Water restoration and reconstruction is always in demand. People like to update and improve their living space and water is the leading cause of home damage. Our team is ready to respond to any water emergency and can get your space back to normal.”