BUSINESS PROFILE: Franchesca Van Buren

Business: Owner of Insight Therapy Solutions, 2780 Homestead Road, Suite 204, 775-727-7197.

Age: 32

First job: “I bussed tables at the lodge up at Mount Charleston.”

Background: “I am a business attorney from Indian Springs and living and growing up in Indian Springs inspired me to start my company and get into mental health. I just knew so many of my friends had problems. I did this because I wanted to give back to my old community and so I started helping people with these sort of problems and now we counsel children, adults and even seniors. We have expanded from Indian Springs to Las Vegas and now Pahrump.”

Years in business: “We have been in business for three years. And I was a business attorney for 10 years.”

Personal: “I like to work out, read good books and I love to spend time with my family.”

Business Climate: “I feel we will succeed because the rural communities of Nevada are underserved when it comes to the counseling of kids and mental health issues. Rural Nevada is important to me because of where I grew up. I would like to open more offices and serve Tonopah and even the Elko area. It’s not going to be easy because until you gain the trust of the community, people tend to be suspicious of people from the outside, especially when it comes to handling their mental health issues. It takes time for people to warm up to you. We are a full-service company and take some private insurances and Medicaid.”


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