Jessica Irelan
Background: “My grandmother was a photographer and I started taking photos when my middle child was around 8-years-old. I just wanted to capture the moment. My kids were growing so fast. I taught myself how to shoot great pictures. It was a lot of trial and error and I have been doing this commercially for the past three and a half years. I came to Pahrump when I was 22 because my family moved here for my dad’s work. My whole family is out here.”
First job: “I was a hostess for a BBQ restaurant in South Florida when I was in high school.”
Personal: “I edit photographs to relax. I have three kids and don’t really get to relax much and so when I edit photos this my relaxation.”
Business climate: “I take a lot of photos of high school seniors and grads and have received a lot of great comments from people. Finally, people contracting me to photograph their kids and wanting to do other things like weddings. So I looked into the photographers in town and found that there was not many in town. I opened my business so people wouldn’t have to contract a photographer out of Las Vegas. I think I am priced competitively and I think I am less than the Las Vegas photographers. I am also personable, and super reliable and have great customer service skills.”
Note: The business profile is a free service to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee at vhee@pvtimes.com or call 775-727-5102, ext. 13.