Notary Plus
Mercedes McAllister
1321 South Highway 160 Suite 9B
Background: “I became a notary with my previous employer, HPN. As far as preparing taxes, I always prepared tax returns for family and friends on the side for years. I always stayed abreast of tax laws by studying. When I left HPN, I decided to continue with my tax knowledge and obtained my certification and IRS permit in 2006. In 2006, my husband and I moved to Pahrump from Las Vegas looking to retire (my husband), me (semi-retire). I worked in Pahrump preparing taxes, where I met Shirley Roach and Robert (Bob) Gavan, who now join me in my company.”
Years in business: “I’ve been doing this type of business for approximately 18 years. My company currently offers as well as mobile notary services, bookkeeping and tax preparation. We are open year-round to help with any tax issues.”
Personal: “When at home, I enjoy watching old movies, listening to music, reading and crocheting.”
Business Climate: “I need to keep busy – they say that keeps you young. I enjoy working with numbers and people and helping them. I also speak, read and write the Spanish language. We also selected Pahrump as our permanent home because we liked the close-knit community, we know it’s growing. I hope to grow with it and help its people in any way I can.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the Times provides to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee atvhee@pvtimes.com or call775-727-5102, ext. 13.