Realtor with Realty Executives In Action, 3250 S. Highway 160 Suite 11, 775-209-4663
Age: 60
First job: “I was a bank teller in Texas when I was 19.”
Background: “I started working in Pahrump as a realtor in 1992. Before that I was in the utility industry. The realty business appealed to me though. I enjoyed immensely the interesting people and the challenge of each transaction. I see myself as an expert in the development of Pahrump, especially the early years of the Calvada development.”
Personal: “I love spending time with my grandchildren — especially during their vacations when I get to spend more time with them. We like to go fishing, travel and I enjoy watching their sports.”
Years in business: “I have been in this business for 23 years.”
Business climate: “We are on a steady incline in the housing market. The indicators say in Pahrump we just need steady, slow growth. I don’t think we’ll ever see another large boom.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT providesto the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should be profiled contact Vern Hee at 727-5102