Just imagine opening up your mailbox and nestled among the bills and ads you find a brightly colored, fun surprise package. Just for you. Wouldn’t you be on cloud nine?
For the cost of postage and a box of candy you can totally make someone’s day. This would be great for the grandbabies or someone serving in the military.
I’ve been doing lots of online research and found you can mail just about anything without putting it in a box. You need to attach an address label and most importantly, proper postage. Some of the most interesting things others have mailed were coconuts, flip flops, beach balls and plastic bottles filled with sand and sea shells.
How fun is that? It really got my creative juices flowing and now I want to mail a silly surprise to everyone I know.
My first thought was to send Easter candies to the kids in my family. For about a dollar I got some movie theater-style boxed candy, and a candy filled egg. To make the boxes a little sturdier I added some clear tape. Make sure the recipient’s and sender’s addresses are clearly printed on the same surface of the parcel to avoid confusion about who’s receiving the gift and who’s sending.
Make sure you have proper postage. What a buzz kill to get a goodie in the mail with postage due. You can’t go by the weight written on the box of candy because that’s the weight of the contents, not including the box. I recommend going to the post office and having the item weighed, at least the first time. When in doubt, add extra postage.
It costs less than $3 each to mail the boxes of candy shown. The postage costs more than the candy but it’s a small price to pay for candy-coated correspondence.
Be mindful of the recipient’s mailbox and make sure your surprise can be safely delivered. Something fun and colorful would be a temptation for theft if left out in the open. Also, don’t send anything precious in a candy box. Take the attitude that if it gets there great! If not, you won’t be heartbroken.
Now that I’m publicly writing about this I thought I would have to hide from my dear friend and neighbor who is a mail carrier. But she told me that everyone at the post office gets a kick out of the creativity involved and it breaks the monotony of cardboard and white envelopes. We’re spreading smiles all along the way.
Of course there are some postal restrictions; your package can’t be flammable, perishable or toxic. Also, no alcohol, tobacco products or anything that would go bad without refrigeration.
Diva tips – Don’t mail chocolate in warm weather as it will melt. Instead of candy you can send stickers, colored pencils or crayons (watch the heat again) school or art supplies, hair ornaments or hot wheel cars.
Frugal Family Fun contributed by Patti Diamond from Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! www.divasonadime.com Join us on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom.