Kidz Klozet, 1190 E. Highway 372, Suite 2, (775) 537-4799
Age: 58
Background: “I worked with a friend who had a similar store on Calvada, where I worked and helped her out. She inspired me to open my own store after she closed down. This is my first time opening my own business. I worked as a CNA for 15 years before doing this. I saw a need for a used clothing store for babies, toys, and baby items. At this store we focus on babies to age 6. We plan to have sales on Saturdays in our parking lot. I look for the clothing and toys, cleaning and fixing them up.”
First job: “My first job was teaching people how to play the fiddle, which I started playing at 10 years old.”
Years in business: “We have only been open for six months.”
Personal: “I used to play the fiddle until arthritis set in. My brother Doug Thomas was the youngest fiddle champion. He took the championship in Weiser, Idaho when he was 18. I took second place at the state level five times. I now just enjoy reading about family history and spending time with the family.”
Business Climate: “I spoke to people and in my research I found that there are so many people in this town that need a break and there was a huge need for a used clothing store that focused on babies, toys and baby items like strollers and high chairs. I even rent baby items out to grandparents in town that no longer have these things. Grandparents in town will come to me for all kinds of stuff.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT provides to the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should be profiled, contact Vern Hee at 775-727-5102 or at vhee@pvtimes.com.