Gary Fox
Foxter Music
141 Frontage Road
Age: 52
Background: “I started playing guitars after a freak motorcycle accident when I was about 13 years old.
One day, a friend of mine introduced me to Mike Corbin, a “phenomenal” guitar teacher from South Florida. I was not very excited and didn’t think he could help me much, but after my first lesson I was completely blown away and could not put my guitar down! After four years of lessons with Mike Corbin, I started playing at local shows and gigs. The best lesson that I’ve learned is that you should never give up. I now teach guitar, own a music store and play in the band Incognito. I moved to Pahrump in 2012.”
Years in business: “I have played music for more than 25 years.”
Personal: “I enjoy playing all kinds of music in my spare time from country to rock.”
Business climate: “I was inspired to open this store. I know the musicians here and I know so many people here.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT provides to the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business, contact Vern Hee at 775-727-5102 or at vhee@pvtimes.com.