Servco Heating & Cooling, 775-727-1525
Age: 65
Years in business: “I have been working as an AC contractor for 22 years.”
Background: “I got interested in cooling systems when I was 16. After high school I went into the Navy during the Vietnam War and was trained to fix heating and air conditioning units. When I got out of the Navy I went to work at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard, where I worked and overhauled cooling and heating systems. I then went to China Lake, where I worked on experimental refrigeration units. I have also worked with cooling and heating at the VA hospital in Reno. In 1994 I started working as a contractor in Pahrump. It’s funny, I do honest work and even my political enemies recognize this and have hired me to work on their cooling units.”
First job: “I was a paperboy when I was 13.”
Personal: “I collect vintage motorcycles and cars. I also love trains. I like Lionel trains but actually have a full-sized caboose and boxcar at my house. I also like to build things and work on engines. My house is like a museum.
Business Climate: “If you are an honest person I think there are a lot of opportunities. I think I can show people I am honest because I am a member of the Better Business Bureau. People are wary of contractors and I feel as a contractor you have to be honest, versatile and knowledgeable to succeed.
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT provides to the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should be profiled, contact Vern Hee at 775-727-5102 or at vhee@pvtimes.com.