Michaella Denning
Healing Within Massage
2341 East Postal Road, Suite B (inside the Back to Roots store)
Age: 25
Background: “I grew up in Pahrump and have been here since the first grade. I wanted to help people in a different way. I wanted to help them more holistically and to make people feel better. My main focus is mental health, taking care of anxiety and depression through cranial sacral therapy massage and the massage I do also helps with PTSD as well. I also do deep tissue massage to help with pain. I always wanted to help people and make them happy.”
Personal: “When I want to relax I also like to get a massage as well. I also like to hike and to get out in nature.”
First job: “I worked at Dairy Queen here in Pahrump.”
Business climate: “Opening a business can be scary but it’s an exciting challenge. There are a few massage therapists out here, but I think the right people will come to me when I need them. I am good with people and have been in customer service fields for a while now. I will open next Tuesday and will have a $40 introductory offer for an hour and $60 for ninety minutes.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the Times provides to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee at vhee@pvtimes.com or call 775-727-5102, ext. 13.