Pahrump Medical Supply, 1971 S. Pahrump Valley Blvd., Suite D, 775-751-4999
Age: 57
Background: “My family lives in Pahrump in Artesia and we took over the Pahrump Medical Supply in December of last year. The business is family owned and run. We came from Houston, Texas, where I worked in the medical insurance business for Memorial Hermann Hospital. Basically that’s how we connected with this business. This business has been in Pahrump since 2007 and was only 1,400 square feet. We have expanded it to 3,000 square feet and plan to also expand the insurances that we accept too so that our clients will not have to travel into Las Vegas.”
Years in business: “Our business has been serving Pahrump since 2007. We just want people to know we are the new owners as of December.”
Personal: “I like to sew and do embroidery when I am not working. I also like to spend time with my 3-year old granddaughter. Her favorite thing is to go to Walmart and to eat ice cream with me.”
First Job: “My first job was working in a Best Buy in the jewelry department. I was 17.”
Business Climate: “We have a lot of retired people in Pahrump that keep us busy and a lot of those are on oxygen tanks. No one likes to go to another city to get service and that’s what will keep us going. We want our clients to get what they need from us and since I was in the insurance business for over 20 years I think I can expand our insurances that we accept out here and make that happen in the next few months.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT provides to the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should be profiled, contact Vern Hee at 775-727-5102 or at vhee@pvtimes.com