Al’s Auto, 867 S. Linda, 775-727-3627
Age: 75
First Job: “My first job was with a five and dime store as a store clerk in New York.”
Background: “I was an office manager for a rock and gravel company and I also have an extensive bookkeeping background. I retired in 1995 and came to work at my late husband’s side. When Al passed away in March of 2014, I took over for him and carried on his great service, while still trying to keep the prices down. I want to keep the business going with all his ideals and his business philosophy.”
Years in business: “I have been with Al’s for 20 years.”
Personal: “I like to play bingo in my off time. Also I like to go to the drag races with my five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren in Las Vegas. This is something my husband was into too.”
Business climate: “This business is up and down and it is a competitive field. I think at Al’s we give people great service at a low cost. I also get a lot of women coming in here who trust me with their automotive service needs because we treat them right. We also set ourselves apart from the competition because of the low prices. We have a pretty good clientele here at Al’s.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT providesto the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should be profiled contact Vern Hee at 727-5102