Papa Willie’s Italian Eatery, 921 S. Highway 160, Suite 402, 775-910-3766
Age: 65
Years in business: “We have been in Pahrump now for 9 years.”
Background: “We are a family business and we serve Italian food. I have been in business in Pahrump since 2007 and we have been living in Pahrump since 1993. In the 60s through the 80s I worked in the business in New Jersey with others and then for myself. I then got off the restaurant business and moved out west. I lived in California, working for various companies and then came to Pahrump. My family started an Italian restaurant again after I had a conversation with my son.”
First job: “I worked in New Jersey and my first job was working at an Italian restaurant.”
Personal: “I like spending time with the family. I spend a lot of time with the grandchildren. I guess another enjoyment I have is sports betting but now that I work for myself, I never have any money.”
Business climate: The business climate in Pahrump is tough. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone simply because it’s difficult to compete against the casinos in this town. Why eat here and spend $30 when you can eat at the casino for next to nothing. If I was younger, I would never choose this town to open up a restaurant. I would go somewhere else. It’s even tougher now because of all the franchises that moved into Pahrump. When I first came here there were no franchises here — all family businesses.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the PVT provides to the business community of Pahrump. If you would like to be profiled or know of a business that should be profiled, contact Vern Hee at 775-727-5102 or at vhee@pvtimes.com.