If your child normally takes the bus or gets dropped off at school, next week join them and take a leisurely stroll to class.
International Walk to School Day is taking place Oct. 7, on a day where organized and unorganized events include children and their families walking and biking to school.
With no organized school events in Nye County, children are encouraged to involve their family in safely walking or bicycling to school on Oct. 7 and any other day of the year.
“Whether as part of an organized event or not, this is an opportunity to help children learn more about pedestrian and bicycling safety,” said Bill Story, NDOT Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School program manager. “And, whether it’s for International Walk to School Day or part of a daily routine, physical activity at an early age, such as walking or bicycling, helps reduce heart disease, diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses. Plus, walking or biking to school can lessen up to 25 percent of morning rush hour traffic that results from children being driven to school.”
During International Walk to School Day and every other day of the school year, drivers should watch for children walking and bicycling to school and pay attention to school zone speed reductions, as well as varying school start times.
Motorists should only pass bicyclists when it is safe with at least three feet of space between the bicycle and vehicle. Drivers should also never overtake a cyclist that has stopped at a crosswalk.
Pedestrians and bicyclists should only cross streets when safe, and always look for vehicles before and while crossing.
In addition, as of Oct. 1, no U-turns or passing are allowed in Nevada active school zones or school crossing zones.
To learn about specific International Walk to School Day events, contact Nevada Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Coordinator Tim Rowe at 775-888-7357 or email him at trowe@dot.state.nv.us. More information can be found at walknevada.com. or walkbiketoschool.org.
International Walk to School Day is taking place Oct. 7, on a day where organized and unorganized events include children and their families walking and biking to school. Special to the Pahrump Valley Times