Just in case it slipped your mind, today is Valentine’s Day. I won’t tell anyone if you forgot. Of course, you could head to the store and drop some cash on the usual flowers, jewelry and chocolate, nothing wrong with that. But I prefer to think of it as an opportunity to tell those we love that we will love them always and forever and that doesn’t need to cost a dime. Once again, creativity comes to the rescue! Here are some romantic, fun and yet frugal (and some free) ways to aim Cupid’s dart at your target’s heart.
Start the day with a simple “I love you” and a kiss. And remind him or her it’s Valentine’s Day.
Decorate part of your sweetie’s house or office with hearts, ribbon and flowers. Cut hearts out of construction paper, use inexpensive ribbon curls and doilies. Make it look like cupid threw up in there. If you do this as a surprise you can say you’ve given your sweetie a “heart attack.”
Write a formal note asking your sweetie to be your Valentine. Make the language very flowery. You can to this for your kids too. “Love of my life, will you please be my Valentine?” Or write a poem.
Make a handmade Valentine’s Day card. Decorate it with hearts and lace. Anyone can go to the store and buy a card, make something that will be cherished.
Create “Love Coupons” good for a massage, or even better “”I’ll do the dishes” or I’ll clean your car.” Now, that’s romantic. We have free printable coupons on the Divas On A Dime website, www.divasonadime.com
Make a CD of love songs that are special to you. Set the mood with music.
Take dinner away from the dining room and set the table in an unusual place. The balcony, patio, bedroom, the floor in front of a fireplace, the garden. Set it up with twinkle lights and use a folding table with a table cloth and candles, set it up beautifully. Again, this isn’t just for the folks that are dating. Do this for anyone who would appreciate it. Moms appreciate this (hint, hint).
Spell it out! Use what you have in the house. Do you have children’s blocks with letters on them? Foam letters that stick to the bathtub? How about refrigerator alphabet magnets? Scrabble tiles? How about a handful of little candies? Well use them all to spell it out! I LOVE YOU – BE MINE- KISS ME
Sing your heart out! – First, let me assure you it doesn’t matter if you can’t hold a tune in a bucket with a lid, anyone who sings to the one they love sounds like an angel from heaven. Here are some options, sing your love’s favorite song, sing a song with special meaning to you both. Write new lyrics to a familiar tune, or if you’re musically gifted write an original piece. The important thing is not to treat it like a concert, keep it short and simple, don’t sing all 12 verses. Get to the good stuff and enjoy the smiles and hugs.
Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Divas On A Dime.
Frugal Festivity contributed by Patti Diamond author of Divas On A Dime – Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! www.divasonadime.com Join us on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom.