Nathan Adelson Hospice is getting ready for its largest fundraiser of the year. The ninth annual Festival of Trees and Gala is set for Dec. 7 at Mountain Falls but tickets are on sale now.
NAH Marketing Director Stephanie Forbes said the event normally raises between $20,000 and $25,000. “It’s a huge amount of support from a small community in one night and we are so thankful for it.”
NAH has been selling sponsorships for the event with options from $100 to $3,000. Businesses could sponsor either a wreath or choose from a selection of trees. With the selection came perks like a specified number of tickets to the dinner, which are $100 per person otherwise. The more businesses spend on sponsorship, the more perks and recognition. The deadline was Wednesday to sponsor a tree.
Now that all of the trees and wreaths have been sold, the decorating begins. That event will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 16 at Mountain Falls. Businesses are charged with decorating purchases to draw the highest bid when the greenery is auctioned at the gala.
While the tree and wreath auction is live, there will also be a silent auction of gift baskets, travel and accommodation packages, meals and other items. “We are still taking donations for the silent auction,” Forbes said. She didn’t know the extent of items already collected but planned to get a complete list at a meeting yesterday afternoon.
Dinner will be an entree choice of chicken or filet mignon with sides and what Forbes called “holiday desserts.”
The gala event was formerly held at the Pahrump Nugget but Forbes said, “We outgrew the space.” Only 150 tickets are available and can be purchased by contacting NAH at 751-6700.
Live entertainment will be provided by Lynn Petersen and the Phatt Kattz. There will be a no-host bar. Doors open at 6 p.m. for cocktails and dinner will be at 7 p.m.