The Pahrump Historical Museum’s lecture series continues on Saturday with Nevada historian Stan Paher.
According to his bio, Paher is the author of several books about the southwest.
His Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, published in 1970, earned him the Award of Merit of the American Association of State and Local History.
Museum director Marilyn Davis said as an author and collector of rare books, maps and photographs, Paher’s works have helped to keep the history, lore and spirit of the Silver State alive.
“He has documented the many diverse aspects of Nevada life in his twenty books, numerous magazine articles and contributions to scholarly journals,” she said. “In a career dedicated to preserving Nevada’s past, Paher has enriched the lives of untold numbers of readers.”
Davis also noted that as a youth, Paher was fascinated by Nevada’s ghost towns, and that interest drew him toward his work as a publisher.
“No other author has matched his sheer volume of output, which included books on ghost towns and mining camps in Nevada, California and Arizona,” she said. “We have several of his books in our gift shop that we sell on a regular basis. Stan will be signing his books after the lecture.”
Paher’s latest book, Nevadans: the spirit of the Silver State is described as a record of the state from the first explorers and emigrants through the major mining eras, through the years of the Great Depression and up to modern times.
Paher’s lecture is scheduled for 1 p.m., and admission is free.
The Pahrump Valley Museum and Historical Society is located at 401 East Basin Ave., west of Highway 160.
For additional information call 775-751-1970.