Pahrump residents shared their festive displays for the holidays on Pahrump Valley Times’ Facebook page.
These photos were shared by our readers.
Impressive displays are in place throughout our community.
If you’re looking to see them up close, drive down the streets listed in the photo captions or share your own photos on our Facebook page.
As far as the weather for viewing Christmas lights in the area, conditions are ideal. Rain remains out of the forecast through at least Christmas.
When it comes to the holidays, the U.S. Energy Department traces the first electric light display to 1880.
“Candles were the original holiday lights, posing fire hazards for generations until Thomas Edison created the first electric lighting display for the holidays at his Menlo Park lab in 1880,” the department’s Pat Adams said in a blog post.
“While incandescent bulbs are less dangerous than open flame, they still cause an average of 230 home fires each year,” Adams wrote. “In contrast, LED bulbs are cool to the touch.”
As far as technology, LED holiday light strands are becoming more popular, the U.S. Energy Department reports.
“They’re sturdier, last longer and consume 70 percent less energy than conventional incandescent light strands,” the department said.
It only costs $0.27 to light a 6-foot tree for 12 hours a day for 40 days with LEDs compared to $10 for incandescent lights, its cost analysis reported in 2015 said. “On top of that, they are significantly less likely to burn out or break compared to their incandescent forerunners.”