Two local organizations received a financial shot in the arm this month.
CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), along with Pahrump’s Relay For Life organization, were presented the funds courtesy of Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, which opened earlier this month.
Relay For Life representative Linda Wright said the efforts earned the organization more than $400.
The timing was perfect as the organization’s new fundraising year begins next month.
“The money raised will go into the Relay for Life fund that we will turn in as a group,” she said. “It’s a very nice start for us because we recently had our first committee meeting for the planning. On Sept. 1, we can start team recruitment so anybody who wants to have a team can go online and register their team members.”
Doug Dubin, owner of Dickey’s, said he wants his business to remain a big part of the community for many years to come.
The fundraiser was from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
“We are big supporters of the American Cancer Society, and last year I was the presenting sponsor for Relay For Life,” he said. “We made over $2,200 so we donated 20 percent of the register to Relay For Life.”
Just before Dubin’s grand opening, Dickey’s held the CASA fundraiser, where Dubin is on the board of directors.
“We donated $300 to CASA and Executive Director Willi Baer was on hand to accept the check,” Dubin said. “CASA is a great organization that a lot of people may not know about. They support children going through the court system to make sure they are well represented.”
As further evidence of Dubin’s commitment to the community, Dickey’s catered Pahrump Valley High School’s first football game of the season, much to the delight of those in attendance.
“We were very excited to put on a tailgate party for the football team last Friday,” Dubin said. “Over 100 people had the opportunity to enjoy great barbecue right before the game. It was well represented and well received.”
Wright, meanwhile, said exact dates for the annual Relay For Life at Petrack Park has not yet been announced.
“We are working with the town for the calendar dates and once that’s a go, we will start advertising it,” she said. “We are so very grateful to the people at Dickey’s Barbecue Pit for sponsoring and holding this initial fundraiser for Relay For Life, and as soon as we get a date, we will have our Relay For Life kickoff, which will be coming up within the next month or so.”
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com