A popular annual event is returning to the valley on Saturday.
The Pahrump Valley Republican Women will host its annual fashion show and luncheon fundraiser at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Nevada Treasure RV resort at 301 W. Leslie, on the valley’s north end.
Organizer Rita Prince said proceeds from the event benefit those seeking to advance their education.
“The money raised from the fashion show goes right back into the community for high school scholarships and graduating seniors,” she said. “We donate money to different organizations like No to Abuse and other agencies within the community.”
No less than 18 models will display the fashions, which were provided by a local clothing boutique, where all of the outfits will be up for bids.
The models have sponsors who donate $100 for the outfits, which are auctioned off.
All monies generated, pay for the scholarships.
“Patti Butler is the owner of Sunflower Fashions and all of the clothes come from her shop,” Prince said. “Patti helps us out by organizing the models and she talks about each outfit that is worn. We also have an auctioneer who is Robin Dorand-Rudolf and she’s also the county’s public administrator.”
The event is best described as a light-hearted affair and each year the fashion show has a particular theme.
Prince said Saturday’s event is fashioned around the autumn season.
“Our lunch will be an Oktoberfest-themed affair and everybody gets a free beer,” she said. “We are having bratwurst and sauerkraut, German potato salad and German chocolate cake. So far we’ve sold about 110 tickets to the fashion show. I’d like to give a special thank you to Patti Chipman who is a real big supporter of the Pahrump Valley Republican Women.”
Though Prince said she’s been involved in the Republican Women for roughly 10 years, the group’s origins date back to the 1980’s.
She said the main focus of the organization is getting more Republicans elected into office.
“We don’t take one particular candidate because the entire club is about supporting all Republicans,” she said. “Our purpose is to get Republicans elected to office and that includes all the races from the president down to the local level. We always have a great time and this next year will prove to be a very exciting election cycle and if people want to get involved this is a great place to start.”
Additionally, Prince said the group is always looking to add more Republicans into its ranks.
“We are always looking to increase our membership and there will be membership sign-up forms at the event,” she said. “You can also register to vote at the event. We did the same thing at the Fall Festival where we got 20 people registered to vote.”
Prince also said there are just a handful of tickets left for those wanting to attend the fashion show.
“Tickets are $40 and there are a few left that can be sold at the door,” she said. “The event is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the doors open at 10:30. We will give three $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors. We’ve also provided a scholarship for a woman who had twins and wanted to go back to school.”
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com. Follow @sharrispvt on Twitter.