Representatives of Pahrump’s Wine Ridge RV Resort and Cottages are inviting area residents to chill out at their facility for a spell on Friday.
The resort is hosting its inaugural Polar Bear Plunge from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The free event is a fundraiser for Pahrump’s No To Abuse organization.
Organizers Lynn Peterson and Terry Brett said the two-plus hour affair is open to the public and limited to 60 guests.
“The polar plunge has been around everywhere for quite some time and it’s usually done on the first day of a new year, but we thought it would be kind of fun to do something like that here in Pahrump,” she said. “We plan to make this an annual event within the community as well as other events throughout the season that will benefit organizations in our community.”
Additionally, Peterson said individuals with strong constitutions are invited to take the polar plunge challenge, where participants are offered an incentive.
“The first 25 plungers that grab a little rubber duck in the ice cold waters of our beautiful pool, will win a $20 gift certificate from the Pahrump Valley Winery,” Peterson said. “If they don’t grab a duck, they will not receive the gift certificate. Right now, we don’t have a lot of signups yet for those interested in jumping in the pool but I think we’ll get a few adventurous people.”
Following the polar plunge, Brett said the resort will provide attendees with provisions to help the participants recover from the frigid temperatures.
“Afterward, we will have pool towels available and hot showers for the participants,” she said. “We will also have hearty soup and biscuits, as well as hot drinks to keep everybody warm. Our Jacuzzi will be at full blast for the duration. This is a volunteer effort so we are not asking for people to actually pay for this event, but we will be passing a bucket around for donations for No To Abuse.”
A meet and greet is scheduled at 4 p.m., with the actual plunge taking place at 4:30 p.m.
Afterward, the resort scheduled dinner and drinks at 5 p.m., inside the clubhouse, followed by karaoke and dancing at 6 p.m.
Peterson said she hopes for a great turnout from area residents.
“This was actually Philip Moreau’s idea, who is the owner of the resort,” she said. “He wanted to open us up to the community to show people the park and all of the amenities that we have. This is also our way of saying thank you to the community who supported us tremendously throughout our whole changeover from a private resort to a public resort about five years ago. Karaoke is open to the public every Friday with a minimal cover charge.”
Plungers and non-plungers need to RSVP in order to attend the event.
The Wine Ridge RV Resort and Cottages is located at 3800 Winery Road just off of South Highway 160.
To sign up for the plunge or for additional information, call 775-751-7805.
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @pvtimes