Pahrump Social Powwow organizer Paula Elefante estimates roughly 2,000 attendees over the three days, Nov. 20-22. Close to 30 vendors participated this year at the 17th Annual Pahrump Inter-Tribal Powwow at Petrack Park.
Native Americans formed drum circles and performed throughout the weekend, including the Northern Drum Plenty-Wolf Singers and the Southern Drum Hummingbird Singers.
The lineup for the dancers is always the elders first. Then come the adult men and adult ladies, who are followed by the junior boys and girls. The tiny tots, which are kids under the age of five, bring up the rear.
The famed Aztec dancers returned once again this year by popular demand. Photographing dancers while they’re not performing is not desirable, nor is walking across the dancer’s circle.
Native Americans of all ages routinely take part in some aspect of the Inter-Tribal Powwow. Aztec dancers are among the more flamboyantly-clad performers who danced Saturday and Sunday.
Vibrant colors and elaborate Native American regalia were the order of the day for this year’s 13th annual powwow.
Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at sharris@pvtimes.com. On Twitter: @sharrispvt