Summer is almost over and local students will soon return to the classroom, which signals an annual event to collect donations of school supplies.
Valley Electric Association will host the seventh annual “Fill the Bucket Truck” drive from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 17.
There will be three locations where residents may donate. The collection hours will be the same for Smith’s Food & Drug, Albertson’s Grocery and the Walmart Supercenter.
VEA employees and ambassadors will be on location to take the donations, including cash.
Each donor will receive a drawing ticket for a chance to win one of 10 VEA power bill credits ranging from $25 to $100 in value.
A list of needed supplies will be on hand at each location, however, those who happen to be shopping in Las Vegas or in other parts of town may want to pick up item(s) in advance.
Needed are:
No. 2 pencils (mechanical pencils are discouraged); Crayons in either 24-count or eight to 10 count boxes; three-ring, one-inch binders; 3 x 5 index cards; colored pencils; composition notebooks;
Dry-erase markers in black (fine and broad tip); washable markers; highlighters; folders with and without brads or clips and with pockets; glue sticks; large pink pearl erasers; college-ruled or wide-ruled notebook paper;
Red, blue and black pens; plastic pencil cases; handheld pencil sharpeners; protractors/compasses; rulers; scissors (a few left-handed would be appreciated); spiral notebooks;
Backpacks; Band-aids; facial tissues (schools can really use boxes of these); large paper plates (no Styrofoam); zipper storage bags in gallon and quart sizes; scotch tape; and sanitizing/disenfecting wipes.
VEA member and Communications Coordinator Dax Whittle said, “As a community-focused organization, we take pride in organizing local events that have a lasting impact on our neighbors, friends and family members.
“We always receive an overwhelming level of support for the annual school supply drive from our members and local businesses, and we look forward to another successful year.”
The school supplies will benefit 11 schools within VEA’s service area. Last year, the drive filled 15 bucket loads of goods which equals 217.5 cubic feet.