Nevadans engaged in and supportive of arts

Three-quarters of Nevada adults attended a cultural event in the past year and an equal percentage believe the arts improve the quality of life in their communities, according to the poll “Americans Speak Out About the Arts in 2018.”

The poll also found near unanimous support for arts education in K-12 schools as more than 90 percent of those surveyed saying it’s important at all levels – elementary, middle school and high school.

Seven in 10 Nevadans said that creativity enhances success in the workplace, while 60 percent said their job requires them to be creative, either individually or as part of a team, the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs said in announcing the poll results earlier this month.

In general, the poll found Americans are highly engaged in the arts and believe more strongly than ever that the arts promote personal well-being, help people understand other cultures in their communities, are essential to a well-rounded K-12 education and that government has an important role in funding the arts.

The nationwide online poll of 3,023 adults ages 18 and older was conducted by Ipsos on behalf of Americans for the Arts.

The national sample was supplemented by a “boost sample” from eight states (about 300 people per state), including Nevada.

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