On Friday, June 5, an announcement was made that had many in the Pahrump community grumbling, with officials stating that the 2020 Pahrump Community Pool season had been canceled due to a lack of staff applicants.
However, if the local residents step up this week and apply for one of the lifeguard or cashier positions, the pool season could still be saved.
“Several factors went into this decision (to close the pool season), including the low number of applications received and other extenuating circumstances tied to the COVID-19 pandemic… We know the pool season is a summer highlight and eagerly anticipated by many. However, given the safety considerations… and lack of applications submitted, we will not be able to open the pool this season,” the closure announcement sent out June 5 detailed.
This prompted a general outcry of disappointment from the community, with many taking to social media to vent their frustrations. This apparently made an impression because just a few short days later, the tune had changed, with another announcement posted to the town of Pahrump’s Facebook page putting out a call for applicants.
“The town of Pahrump is going to make one more push for applications, which will be due by Friday, June 12 at 4 p.m.,” the posting read. An advertisement for applications followed, stating, “Now hiring lifeguards and cashiers!… The town of Pahrump is looking for responsible, mature and motivated lifeguards and cashiers for the 2020 Pool Season.”
This is a great opportunity for local teens and adults to snag a job this summer, with the minimum age requirement being 15 years old as of April 1 of this year. Applicants must have the ability to pass a drug and alcohol screening and background check. Those applying for a lifeguard position must also be able to obtain a lifeguard certification and take a first aid/CPR class.
Due to the continued closure of the Human Resources department, all applications must be emailed. No walk-ins will be available at the Human Resources office.
Applications can be found on the town of Pahrump’s website www.pahrumpnv.org or the county’s website www.nyecounty.net. Applications can also be requested via email at Human_Resources@co.nye.nv.us
Applications can be returned via the aforementioned email or by fax at 775-751-6309.
There are 18 lifeguard positions available, with starting pay $9 per hour or $9.25 per hour for returning staff. There are three cashiers positions, which pay $8.25 per hour or $8.50 per hour for returning staff. One manager position is also available with pay dependent upon qualifications.
It was also noted that the opening of the pool is contingent upon current COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions.
For more information call 775-482-7244.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com