A new BLM Nevada Fire Prevention Order is in effect through Oct. 31.
The order, issued by the Bureau of Land Management, prohibits specific fire-related activities on all BLM-managed land in Nevada.
Pursuant of the order, use of fireworks, explosive materials (including exploding targets) and steel component ammunition is illegal on all lands managed by BLM Nevada for the duration of the order.
Any persons who knowingly and willfully perform acts restricted by the order may be subject to a fine and held responsible for any resulting fire suppression and/or rehabilitation costs.
“Spring showers have grown an abundance of grass across Nevada, which is now drying out and becoming susceptible to ignition,” said Brock Uhlig, BLM Nevada Fire Management Officer. “These conditions present a major risk for destructive wildfires.” In the state of Nevada, across public and private lands, most wildfires are human caused. “It’s important the public understand their role in preventing wildfires. By understanding and complying with the fire prevention order, everyone can help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect Nevada’s natural and cultural resources.”
Nevada Fire Info is an online hub providing the most up-to-date information on Nevada wildfires, restrictions, and prevention. Visit Nevada restrictions to find details on prohibitions in your local area on the Nevada “Fire Restrictions Map” and copies of additional prevention orders in the state of Nevada.