Ethan Wald
The Right Hand Man
Handyman services
Age: 27
Years in business: 4 years
Background: “I worked with the Pahrump Nugget for several years as an engineer, where I did everything from painting to landscaping, plumbing and electrical jobs. It was pretty much everything. If I had to pick a specialty, I loved doing drywall and painting jobs. That was my favorite thing to do. I just liked the way things looked at the end and when you were done, it was a nice finished product. I also worked for Strickland Construction for a while too.”
First job: “My first job was working for Phantom Fireworks in town as a stocker and unloader.”
Personal: “I love coaching baseball when I am not working. This year I coached Little League baseball and that was fun.”
Business Climate: “When it comes down to working as a handyman, I am very personable. I will talk to my clients about more than one solution to their problem and not just one. I know some people will just like to give one solution to a project because that is all they know and you may not be satisfied. I am not like that. Another thing is that I will always call you back if you leave me a message.”
Note: The business profile is a free service to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee at vhee@pvtimes.com or call 775-727-5102, ext. 13.