Pallets &Peacocks
James Jonas
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of Pallets &Peacocks
Background: “My wife Jennifer and I started this business when she came home one day with some pallets and said,’ We are going to build some furniture.’ We have a craft background, but not really were into woodworking a the time, and they turned out great. We built a couch and some other furniture, and we sold it all at a local craft fair. To give you an idea of the type of woodworking I do, most of my wood tools are from yard sales. We do signs, tables and other decorations made from pallets. We sell all this at the Pahrump Farmers Market at Draft Picks every Saturday. Of course, this is a home business. We are both retired and just do this part time.”
First job: “I worked at a golf course.”
Personal: “My wife and I like to take rides on our Harley motorcycle, where we just like to scoot around.”
Business Climate: “We don’t want to do this full time. We are retired and just want something fun to do. We wanted something we could from home. If we get too busy, it won’t be fun anymore. In fact, we want to keep it small so it remains fun. We don’t want it to go crazy.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the Times provides to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact VernHee atvhee@pvtimes.com or call775-727-5102, ext. 13.