Ralph Goff
Pahrump Creative
Years in business: 35-plus years
Background: “I am a school-trained professional photographer with over 30 years’ experience. After photography school, I did freelance work throughout Henderson and Las Vegas, doing stints with Universal, Lentz and Barbizon modeling, as well as shooting weddings, special events and ball teams. After marrying my wife, we opened a commercial studio in Washington state where I taught photography. I photographed ball teams and weddings and opened a small camera shop. I obtained dealerships with Vivitar, Fuji Film, Olympus and others and bought, sold and traded old cameras. Some of my former clients include Lockheed Corp., schools, Goldberg jewelers, museums and state representatives. I am a disabled Marine and while I was with the Marines, that is where I got interested in photography. I went to photography school on the GI bill.”
Personal: “My wife and I like to go hunting for meteorites in our spare time and also photograph old ghost towns.”
Business climate: “Here in Pahrump, Pahrump Creative Imagery will concentrate on commercial ad photography, insurance and personal collections, documentation photography and special and private events. I had all the gear still from when we lived in Texas so it wasn’t hard to start up again. I also still teach photography in Death Valley. As new students are added, PCI will conduct photo seminars in Death Valley and Rhyolite…”
Note: The business profile is a free service to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee atvhee@pvtimes.com or call 775-727-5102, ext. 13.