Sherry Cipollini
Aesthetic Enhancements
by appointment
Age: 46
Background: “I have been a nurse for 11 years, where I have worked in the emergency room. I am an advanced nurse practitioner RN, which allows me to work independently from a doctor. I have a master’s degree. And I will be working with botox and fillers. I will be doing lip fillers and cheeks. I will be using botox for wrinkles too.”
Personal: “I like to relax by running and competing in races. I run half-marathons and like to travel to do various races.”
First job: “My father was in the Air Force when I was in high school and so I went to high school in Athens, Greece and worked on the base in the office of public affairs.”
Business climate: “I have wanted to do this for a long time and the reason is there are few people that do this in this town. I know many people that have to go to Las Vegas to have this done. I am available by appointment and will still be working in the ER. I think there are plenty of people that would love to have access to this service here in town. It is all about making people feel good about themselves.”
Note: The business profile is a free service that the Times provides to the business community. If you would like to be profiled, contact Vern Hee atvhee@pvtimes.com or call 775-727-5102, ext. 13.