Delays and postponements have impacted almost every aspect of life since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in America and the 2020 census is no exception.
For the past month and a half, census takers were supposed to be out hitting the streets all across the country in an attempt to gather information from every single person residing in the U.S. who had not responded to the census on their own, but the start of this was pushed back.
Now, the U.S. Census Bureau is once again gearing up for that process, which is set to begin in mid-August, and the delay has provided the chance for the bureau to send out one more round of reminders in an attempt to get residents to complete the census before enumerators come knocking on their doors.
“The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that it will send an additional reminder postcard to households that have not yet responded to the 2020 census,” a press release issued by the bureau on June 24 stated. “The postcard is scheduled to arrive between July 22 and July 28, a few weeks before census takers are set to begin visiting most households that haven’t responded.”
Census takers, also known as enumerators, will start the arduous but necessary process of going door to door to homes where the residents have not completed the 2020 census on Aug. 11, according to the release.
In an effort to make self-response as easy as possible for residents, the Census Bureau offers three methods for completing the questionnaire – online, by phone or by mail. Those responding to the census can do so in English or 12 other languages.
Online census questionnaires can be accessed at www.2020census.gov
Those completing the census online are reminded that they must finish the survey in one sitting, as it cannot be saved.
For those who want to complete their census over the phone, call 844-330-2020 for English speakers. Spanish speakers can call 844-468-2020. Those needing to use a telephone display device can call 844-467-2020. A list of phone numbers for Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese and Japanese can be found online at www.2020census.gov
To respond by mail, residents simply need to fill out the paper questionnaire they received earlier this year and drop it in the mailbox.
“Responding now minimizes the need for census takers to visit homes to collect responses in person. About 61.7% of households across the country have already responded… since the invitations began arriving in the mailbox on March 12,” information from the bureau detailed, adding, “Although census takers will begin visiting households that haven’t yet responded beginning August 11, households can still respond on their own until these visits conclude on October 31.”
The release noted that when completing the census, respondents must use the physical address of where they reside, not a P.O. box address.
Any household that receives a reminder but has already responded to the 2020 census can disregard the reminder. Some households that self-responded may still get an in-person visit or a phone call from census workers as part of the quality check process.
All census enumerators will be given protective equipment for their personal use and will be trained on social distancing protocols. They will also be carrying official ID badges that include their name, photo, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark and an expiration date. If a resident receives a visit from someone claiming to be with the 2020 census who does not have this ID, they should not provide that person with any information before verifying that they are actually with the Census Bureau by calling 844-330-2020.
In addition, census takers will not ask for information such as social security number, bank account or credit card numbers, money or donations or anything on behalf of a political party. If a resident suspects fraud relating to the census, they are asked to call 844-330-2020. In cases where it is determined that the person claiming to be from the census is not a census worker, residents are directed to contact their local law enforcement.
In Nye County, 43.9% of the estimated population had responded to the census as of the end of June. For Nevada, the total was 61.1%.
For more information visit www.2020census.gov
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com