The Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation announced the implementation of ID.me identity verification for all new, regular Unemployment Insurance applications. ID.me simplifies how individuals securely confirm their identity online.
This added identity step only applies to regular UI claims made on or after April 18. Claimants should not use ID.me to verify their identity unless instructed to do so.
“Providing benefits to legitimate claimants is our top priority. ID.me is a trusted DETR partner in this effort, initially for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and now for UI,” said Lynda Parven, administrator of the Employment Security Division.
ID.me is a credential service provider that is federally certified as compliant with the National Institute of Standards and Technology. ID.me is being used by more than 25 states as well as the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Treasury and hundreds of other retail and service organizations. This security measure is a requirement under the Continued Assistance Act of 2020.
Most claimants easily and quickly validate their identities online with ID.me self-service. For those claimants who need additional assistance, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8O8ItZWUMM
UI claimants can verify their identity online through ID.me and should follow directions as noted through an email message and/or link provided through their claimant account. The automated process is available 24/7.
Those not able to utilize the online option can verify their identity by speaking with an ID.me representative. Wait times fluctuate for ID.me Trusted Referee video calls based on the volume of verifications, certain times of days or shift changes. Claimants can now refresh their screen while waiting without losing their place in the TR queue.
Online verification through a computer or smart phone is encouraged for optimum processing. Claimants who do not have this technology or require assistance should contact the UI call center for assistance: Northern UI Call Center 775-684-0350; Southern UI Call Center 702-486-0350; rural areas and out-of-state: 888-890-8211 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Callers are encouraged to contact the call centers Wednesday through Friday after 10 a.m., as Mondays and Tuesdays are the busiest days for the call centers.
Claimants under the age of 18 will need to be manually validated through DETR Benefit Payment Control. They will need to contact the UI claims center and either have a claim or a weekly certification filed on their behalf. These claims will be held while waiting to go through the BPC identity validation process for manual verification. Claimants do not have to take any additional steps until contacted by BPC.
Claimants who verified ID prior to the latest ID.me programming update should be able to log in to their ID.me account through the UI portal; once there, they can allow ID.me to share the info with DETR. Once DETR verifies identity, claimants will be returned to UI.NV.GOV as verified and be able to file claims.