To encourage social distancing and to support the health and well-being of patients, Dignity Health is offering free virtual care visits.
Because one of the best ways to protect yourself and loved ones from the coronavirus is to remain at home, patients can speak with a health care provider on a phone or another device free of charge.
Patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms such as low-grade fever, cough or difficulty breathing are encouraged to use the service.
Patients have several options for accessing a virtual visit through Dignity Health:
If using a desktop, please go to www.dignityhealth.org/virtualcareanywhere.
If you have an Android device, download the app at tinyurl.com/rb2fx7x
If you have an Apple device, download the app at tinyurl.com/tb79kg2
Links to both of those pages are at tinyurl.com/twtqbs3
Once registered, enter the code COVID19 to waive the fees and proceed to your free visit.
Some Dignity Health hospitals are changing their policies to help care for patients with coronavirus and prevent its spread. Changes may be made to visitation policies or pre-visit screenings.
Some hospitals also are beginning to reschedule elective procedures, and these decisions are being made on a hospital-by-hospital basis in coordination with local health departments.