Disney ABC Television has issued an apology and all Pahrump mentions have been removed from an episode of the Disney XD show, “Gamer’s Guide to Pretty Much Everything,” that said several negative things about the town.
In Wednesday’s Pahrump Valley Times article, “Disney show hurls negative comments toward Pahrump,” described various dialogue from the episode, including calling the town “a stinkhole”, referenced a made-up infectious disease called the “Pahrump lump,” and referenced town kids as “filthy.” A clip of the disparaging dialogue was posted by a local teenager and went viral.
A Disney executive reached out to the Pahrump Valley Times and issued an apology and announced the editing of the episode to exclude Pahrump in any future airings.
“Regarding your report about viewer response to a recent episode of the comedy series … we reviewed the episode and have removed references to Pahrump and other lines of dialogue for future airings,” said Patii McTeague, senior vice president of children’s communications with Disney ABC Television Group. “Any disrespect to the people of Pahrump is unintentional and we sincerely regret if any offense was taken.”
The video was first posted on Rosemary Clarke Middle School student Danyelle Ormiston’s Facebook page, where it received more than 39,000 views. The Pahrump Valley Times’ article on the episode and Ormiston’s posting have received more than 9,000 views. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reposted the Times’ story Thursday on their website.
Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.