The Nevada Department of Transportation has begun installation of new “Welcome to Nevada” monuments on U.S. 395 at two entrances into the state.
Preliminary construction of two separate welcome monuments began Oct. 7, with the monument on U.S. Highway 395 near Topaz Lake installed Oct. 15, and a welcome monument on U.S. Highway 395 near Bordertown to be installed by the end of the month, NDOT said in an announcement this week.
Sign installation work will primarily take place on the highway shoulder, with roadway shoulder and brief lane closures to be anticipated through late October.
Monuments are also planned to be installed at the state line crossings over the coming years at Nevada Highway 28 in Crystal Bay at the Lake Tahoe region and Interstate 11 near Hoover Dam, NDOT said.
Constructed of stainless and weathering steel with natural rock or concrete bases, the monuments stand as tall as 14 feet.
While each gateway monument features the Nevada state name, state silhouette and “Battle Born” motto, the monuments consist of slightly different designs expressing the unique surroundings of the natural environment.
With the goal of creating a notable entry and first impression for visitors, as well as residents returning across state lines, such landscape and aesthetics signage can enhance and define roadway corridors, reflect the heritage and culture of communities and further an area’s tourism and economic development potential.
In 2017, NDOT also installed new welcome signs at approximately 25 other state line locations statewide. The standard-sized roadway signs replaced the previous welcome signs and were designed by Nevada high school graphic artists.