Whether in favor of or opposed to the proposal to establish a Nye County-specific diesel tax, area residents now have the chance to take part in the ballot question committees that will create the arguments for and against the matter.
The Nye County Clerk’s Office is seeking applicants to serve on a ballot question committee for the proposed 5-cent diesel tax planned for the 2024 general election ballot.
“One committee will be comprised of not more than three citizens who favor approval of the question and the other committee will be comprised of not more than three citizens who oppose approval of the question,” according to county officials. “Members of the committees serve without compensation. The term of office for each member commences upon appointment and expires upon the publication of the sample ballot containing the question.”
The county originally broached the idea of creating its own diesel tax two years ago, with Nye County Public Works officials explaining that Nye County does not receive a single cent of diesel taxes collected by the state. The money generated by a county diesel tax could be used to bolster the road department, they say, which is struggling to maintain Nye’s more than 640 miles of paved roads and 387 miles of chip-sealed roads with its current budget.
Following a round of public workshops in mid-2021, it looked like the proposal was going to be included on the 2022 general election ballot but a missed deadline forced the county to take another path.
This January, the commission addressed an item that would have established the tax via ordinance but the board decided to keep the matter in the voters’ hands, directing the Nye County clerk to organize a special election for the ballot question. However, with the cost to hold a special election coming in at upward of $130,000 the commission changed course again, opting to hold off on the ballot question until the 2024 general election, when the cost to include the ballot question would only come in at about $4,300.
“Shall Nye County levy an additional five center ($0.05) per gallon tax on special fuel that includes diesel fuel for the exclusive purpose of construction and maintenance of public highways?” the ballot question asks. “The tax levy shall go into effect January 1, 2025.”
Applications for the committees can be found online at www.NyeCountyNV.gov or by contacting Nye County Clerk Mark Kampf at mkampf@nyecountynv.gov or call at 775-482-8127.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 2.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com