BUSINESS: Realty One
AGE: 68
BACKGROUND: “I have a degree in art that I have never used. I have worked in a lot of different professions before real estate. I had a chain of retail stores in California for 16 years. I had stores in Vegas too. I worked in the fitness business for 10 years and I truly loved doing that too. I have years of experience in sales. I love real estate because I am a people person and love working with people and their houses. My passion is to make a difference in other peoples’ lives. I love trying to help people find their dream home.”
FIRST JOB: “I worked in a drug store when I was 15. I always liked making money and I always had a job even as a kid.”
YEARS IN BUSINESS: “12 years in real estate and I have been 10 years in Pahrump.”
PERSONAL: “I love fitness. This stems from my cousin who taught me to eat right. I have always worked out. I do this every day. I run every day too. I am in great health and love to share this with people.”
BUSINESS CLIMATE: “Pahrump has always been really good to me. I have never have had a slow month and this includes the downturn. The market has changed. Prices have gone up and there are adjustments in the market.”