BUSINESS: Owner ALL ANIMALS Pet Sitting Service
AGE: 60
BACKGROUND: “I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology as it relates to animal behavior and I worked for the University of Hawaii in its dolphin and whale program. In California I worked for the Monterey County SPCA in wildlife animal care and also with the sea otter program.
“I’ve been a zookeeper and am familiar with over 200 species of domestic, wild and exotic animals.”
FIRST JOB: “I worked as a grocery store cashier in New Jersey.”
YEARS IN BUSINESS: “My husband and I have owned property here since 2003 but moved here permanently in 2009. I’ve become involved with the local bird counts for the Audubon Society and I donate food to the animal shelters. I also support the Salvation Army with donations.”
PERSONAL: “I love to be environmentally conscious and I love nature. I once got chased by a humpback whale under water. He was protecting his territory for a mother whale and her calf. The thing I love most is spending time with my husband and my family.”
BUSINESS CLIMATE: “I’ve met a lot of wonderful people here, both retired and working professionals. My business is doing well and I have a large client base. There are a lot of people here who travel both for pleasure and business and want the best care for their animals.
“We need environmentally-friendly businesses here. Life is about positive change. We need to get up-to-date with consumer demand so people don’t have to go to Las Vegas to get what they need.
“We have an eco-system here that could promote tourism and be progressive. One example is the old Willow Creek Golf Course being turned into a park.”