The Jordan World Circus is set to return to the valley next month but one feature of the family-friendly event that won’t be included is elephant rides.
During the Nye County Commission’s Feb. 6 meeting, Nye County District Attorney Brian Kunzi explained that a decision on the matter was not in the county’s hands, as public interaction with elephants and other types of exotic animals is expressly prohibited by Nevada law.
“Nevada has a rather obscure statute that deals with dangerous animals and what the statute stipulates is that with anything that is classified as a dangerous animal, the owner must ensure there is no human contact with the animal. One of the animals listed in the statute is all elephants and I know this event offers elephant rides,” Kunzi told the commission that morning.
It was the first time that Vegas Productions, the applicant hosting the Jordan World Circus appearance in Pahrump, was required to go before the commission prior to hosting its event. This was due to the increased popularity of the show, which is anticipated to attract a crowd of near to or over 1,000 attendees. With attendance expected to be so high, the issuance of an outdoor festival permit was necessary.
Kunzi said he felt the state law was strangely prohibitive but even so, it is still law and his recommendation was to have that restriction included in the approval of the event permit. Commissioners then voted 5-0 to approve the permit while barring elephant rides.
Jordan World Circus has been coming to the town of Pahrump for several years now, bringing in a three-ring circus full of fabulous talent, both human and otherwise, that is sure to please any crowd. Owned and produced by Las Vegans Jody and Melanie Jordan, Jordan World Circus presents two-hour shows all around the country, traveling from town to city to entertain the masses. The circus events feature animals such as elephants, camels, American Bison and all-star performing dogs, along with the “Globe of Death”, high-wire acts, quick-change performances and of course, clowns and juggling. There are always fun activities to partake of prior to the show and during intermission, too. Program attractions are subject to change.
Jordan World Circus is set for Tuesday, March 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the McCullough Arena at Petrack Park.
Pre-sale tickets are on sale now for $9.88 which can be used for both adults and children but these are limited to the first 100 general admission sales. Family packs are available for $34 which includes two adults and up to three children. Regular children’s admission, for those age 12 and younger, is $10. Regular adult tickets are $20. Children two and under are free.
For tickets and more information visit JordanCircus.com
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com