Pahrump is filled with nonprofit causes and as anyone who has run or been a part of one before will know, the backbone of any good nonprofit is, of course, its volunteers.
This month, residents have the chance to recognize their favorite local volunteers by nominating them for the Hope Floats Community Awards, hosted by the NyE Communities Coalition. However, those interested in submitting a nomination must act quickly, as the deadline to do so is 5 p.m. this Thursday, April 18.
“Join NyECC in recognizing great volunteers. Several categories are available for nomination,” NyECC CEO Stacy Smith announced last week. “Do you know someone who volunteers to work with animals? Nominate them for the Paws & Claws Champion award! How about that volunteer that works in environmental conservation? We’d love to see them receive the Desert Sage Award! Does your service club knock it out of the park with their service work? Nominate them and let us all know.”
There will be eight awards for individual volunteer recognition, an award for paid/unpaid volunteer recruitment/management and three awards to community organizations.
In addition to the the Paws & Claws and Desert Sage awards, these include: Community Champion, Youth Community Champion and National Service Champion, along with the Hope Rocks Award, Community Hero Award, Steadfast Service Award and Recruitment Catalyst Award. For groups, the awards include Corporate Citizenship Excellence, Faith in Action Excellence and Service Club Excellence.
“Any individual or group may nominate one or more volunteers or groups that directly benefited Pahrump and the surrounding areas,” information on the awards nomination process details. “Please complete a separate nomination form for each volunteer or group via the online application.”
The nomination form can be found at surveymonkey.com/r/LBFKKZY
Once all of the nominations have been tallied, the volunteers will then have their time to shine at the Hope Floats Volunteer Recognition Luncheon, which is set for May 4 at the NyECC Activities Center.
There are two sponsorship opportunities for area businesses and organizations that want to show their support for the event, including the Stone Sponsor and Rock Sponsor. For $300, Stone Sponsors receive a table for six at the luncheon along with their name/logo featured in the event program, a power point presentation and related publicity. For $500, Rock Sponsors receive all the same name/logo recognition as well as a table for eight.
The deadline to sponsor the Hope Floats Volunteer Recognition Luncheon is Friday, April 26.
Tickets to the luncheon can be purchased at EventBrite.com by searching for “Hope Floats Volunteer Recognition Luncheon”.
To secure a sponsorship or for more information contact MaryRose Parkman at MaryRose@NyECC.org or 775-727-9970 extension 209.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com