The United States of America is marking its 247th birthday today. In the Pahrump Valley, the spirit of patriotism will be on full display.
The Pahrump Holiday Task Force is giving area residents and visitors the chance to make merry as a community this Independence Day, with its annual Fourth of July Parade and Family Fun Celebration. Taking place at the Calvada Eye, the event will include all sorts of entertainment and amusement for just about anyone to enjoy.
“The Pahrump Holiday Task Force is excited to be able to continue what has become a much-loved tradition in our community, the Fourth of July Parade!” task force chair Linda Wright enthused. “We’ll have some awesome floats and other participants, all decked out in their patriotic best and ready to entertain the crowd. And of course, after the parade, everybody is invited to stay for the Family Fun Celebration, with all kinds of games and activities to enjoy. We’ll be serving up hotdogs and hamburgers, too, all free of charge, because bringing our community together for the holidays is what the Pahrump Holiday Task Force is all about.”
Helping to make this year’s event possible are three other sponsors of the event, the Pahrump Disability Outreach Program, more commonly called PDOP; Joe’s Sanitation; and Heritage Bible Church, which previously acted as the overseeing entity for the task force as the group worked to secure its own nonprofit status. Wright was sure to share her appreciation for their efforts and said the entire organizing party is anticipating another very successful year.
“So far, we have 25 parade entries,” Wright told the Pahrump Valley Times this week. “We also have six organizations who will be hosting booths with activities and there is still time to enter the parade or sign up for a booth with an activity. In addition to having these booths, we also have three scheduled activities that we think everyone is going to love.”
The scheduled activities include the watermelon eating contest, which will take place at noon. Right after the sweet melon flesh has been devoured, attendees will be able to kick back and relax with a round of bingo for adults and kids alike, starting at 12:30 p.m.
Then it’s back to chaotic fun with a water balloon fight with some of the valley’s law enforcement officials from the Nye County Sheriff’s Office.
“We hope everyone will join us after the parade for the family fun event in the Calvada Eye,” Wright said. “We will have food and fun activities for both young and old. So come and have some good old-fashioned fun with your family and friends. We’ll see you on the fourth!”
The annual Fourth of July Parade and Family Fun Celebration is set for Tuesday, July 4 at the Calvada Eye.
The parade will begin its procession at 10 a.m. and the other festivities will follow.
For more information, to register as a parade participant or sign up as an activity booth, contact Wright at PahrumpHolidayTaskForce@gmail.com or call 775-419-7857.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com