How to be safe in the comfort of one’s own home is something that should be at the forefront of every person’s mind but it is perhaps even more important for those who cannot see. The challenges of daily life are only compounded when sight is removed from the equation.
It’s a fact that those at the National Federation of the Blind understand intimately and one they are actively working to combat in communities all around the country.
Here in the Pahrump Valley, the Southern Nye County Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind is striving to empower local blind and visually impaired residents with the tools, resources and education they need to live their lives to the fullest. On the second Wednesday of each month, the nonprofit meets to discuss its efforts and this month’s meeting is slated to include a special public information segment. An expert in the field will offer an overview of how the blind and visually impaired can best protect themselves from home-based accidents.
Set for Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 1 p.m., the topic of the afternoon will be a “Home Safety Discussion for the Blind and Visually Impaired.”
“Our facilitator will be Chief Roland Benton, MPA (Retired), Fire Safety Officers Association, Executive Fire Officer – National Fire Academy and International Fire Chiefs Association Life Member,” Ellie Wilshusen, secretary for the Southern Nye County chapter, detailed for the Pahrump Valley Times. “Our open discussion will be a question-and-answer period focused on home safety for those dealing with blindness or visual impairment in our community.”
“During applied research done at the National Fire Academy, the facilitator compiled data and real-life experience with the visually impaired and support groups throughout the United States. This planned learning format is expected to last approximately one hour and address the unique concerns of home safety,” Wilshusen continued, adding, “This is a free event for anyone who wants to attend.”
The Home Safety Discussion for the Blind and Visually Impaired will take place Feb. 12 at 1 p.m. at the Pahrump Senior Center, 1370 W. Basin Avenue.
For more information visit the Southern Nye County Federation of the Blind Facebook page.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com