Assembly considering bill making DMV more burdensome
Once again overwhelming evidence that our Legislature needs to meet maybe every five years comes in the form of Assembly Bill 20.
Rather than figure out a way to make the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) efficient, the Democrat-controlled Assembly is considering a bill that will burden the DMV even more by having codes for specific medical conditions listed on our driver’s licenses.
Mental illness? Food Allergy? Diabetes? Coronary atherosclerosis? Yep – just a few of those listed in the bill.
All our medical history will now be in a DMV database for use by anyone who wants it without having to go through the privacy afforded by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA). You remember – every year when you see your doctor you have to sign a form that you are aware of your privacy rights?
Many times bills have a sponsor listed but this piece of garbage bill lists the entire Assembly Committee on Growth and Infrastructure. Obviously, the real sponsor wants to remain anonymous since the provisions of the bill will be challenged and be overturned in court as a violation of the HIPPA. A No-brainer.
Which tells you all you need to know about our elected officials.
David Perlman
Vexed voter questions our attorney general’s stand
To Nevada Attorney General Aaron D. Ford:
Mr. Ford, I believe that you should stop your lawsuits against Republicans and President Trump.
Nevada turned Red this past election by the majority of voters voting for President Trump and his agenda of cutting spending and making the size of the federal government smaller. We do not want to be like California, Oregon and Washington.
Recently you sued Nevadan Republicans for their protest of the stolen 2020 election and supported the sneaky way our elections were to be run with the Ranked Choice Voting measure. These lawsuits do nothing to bring down the bloated and corrupt government. Your actions only confirm my opinion that the United States is the most corrupt nation on earth as it doles out mass amounts of taxpayer money all over the world without little justification as to how it is spent. These taxes are paid by the 50% of the hard-working taxpayers, who actually work. The other 50% are part of the waste, fraud and abuse.
I would like to know where our Republican Governor Lombardo stands on this issue, as he is very quiet and does not even greet Mr. Trump when he visits Nevada. After all Mr. Trump supported his effort to become Nevada’s leader.
Arnold Breitenbach