Reader questions whether America is humanitarian leader of the world
America is the technology titan of the planet. America is the productivity engineer of the nations. America is the humanitarian giant of the globe. America is the policeman of the world.
If so, why then is India burning hundreds of thousands of its people to ashes night and day to remove the human outfall of our leadership role in the world?
Perhaps it is because we are obsessed with private entertainment uses of technology, rather than public health uses. Maybe it is because we have farmed out manufacturing jobs to slaves of tyrannical governments elsewhere. Could it be that we don’t give a damn about brown and black skin Indians? Is it possible we police other nations like we police our own minority neighborhoods and our own borders, exploitatively and violently?
And it seems likely our leaders, who have done an abominable job of preventing the disease here at home, and many of our pleasure-addicted people, who have done little to save themselves from the disease let alone others, won’t feel the slightest twinge of guilt about India.
Kimball Shinkoskey
Government is leading country into socialist pit
America, the envy of the world, is falling into a socialistic pit and our new president is leading the way. Now that the Dems have the presidency, Congress,and the Senate there is only one body left to control them, the Supreme Court and that is in jeopardy by two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate to pack the court, increasing it from nine to 13 members. If this happens Joe will appoint four left wing judges that will rubber stamp every liberal issue that they are presented with, basically making Joe a dictator, something our founders tried to avoid by establishing checks and balances.
All the recent socialist programs including the $1400 checks, welfare, extended unemployment, and the two trillion-dollar rebuilding project is all paid for with money we do not have. The national debt is currently $28 trillion, some leading economists have predicted spending at the current rate, by 2050 it will take the entire federal budget to pay the interest, this will result in massive tax increases and cuts in all social programs and the military.
We have been saved from one social program put forth by candidate Bernie Sanders, Medicare for all, a government takeover of our medical system. Anybody who thinks that you will have all you have now, but it will be free, think again. I lived in a country with socialized medicine, I was assigned a primary doctor who had to approve any specialist, so it was his choice, not mine, now, private insurance is available so while high taxes remain the free program is no longer free.
Also, why do wealthy Canadians come here for health care when they could get it free in their country. Socialism is a failed ideology in European countries, France, Italy, and Greece to name a few, who have tax rates as high as 50%. Complete socialism (Communism) was tried in Russia in 1917 but failed in 1989. Helping the unfortunate with welfare is a noble gesture, but when not regulated properly it encourages laziness. Lives are not improved by giving they are improved by teaching skills that will lead to self-sufficiency.
George Cross