Pahrump Senior Center
The menu (subject to change) for the week of June 15 – June 19.
Two percent milk and juice available daily:
The Pahrump Senior center’s dining room is closed and all activities have been canceled until further notice, however meals may be picked up on a to-go basis 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and homebound meals for our regular seniors will be delivered. Menu is subject to change due to supplier shortages. For any questions, call the center at 727-5008.
Monday – Chicken Cordon Bleu, parsley potatoes, peas, apple salad, mixed fruit;
Tuesday – BLT on sub roll, low-sodium potato chips, carrot salad, fruit, pudding, bean soup;
Wednesday – Tuna casserole, colorful salad, whole wheat bread, fruit;
Thursday – Shepherd’s pie, fresh spinach, low-sodium Italian dressing, salad, apricot-bran muffin, banana, soup;
Friday – Father’s Day menu: Pork ribs, potato salad, coleslaw, carrot cake.
Beatty Senior Center
The menu (subject to change) for the week of June 15 – June 19.
The Beatty Senior Center serves meals Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Two percent milk, coffee and tea are served daily.
The Beatty Senior center’s dining room is closed until further notice and transportation has been suspended, however meals may be picked up curbside on a to-go basis and homebound meals will be delivered. If you are not a regular homebound delivery, call 553-2954. For any other questions, call the center.
Amargosa Senior Center
The menu (subject to change) for the week of June 15 – June 19.
The Amargosa Senior center’s dining room is closed however home delivery is available. To order home delivery or for any questions, call the center at 372-5413. Due to shortages of some supplies, substitutions may be made if necessary.
Monday –Beef stroganoff, egg noodles, acorn squash, orange-spinach salad, plums or fresh fruit;
Tuesday – Chicken and dumplings, green peas, grapefruit, carrot and raisin salad, whole wheat crackers;
Wednesday –Brats on whole wheat bun with sauted onion, relish, macaroni salad with peas, peach dump cake;
Thursday – Baked meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed spinach, whole wheat bread, Chantilly fruit cup;
Friday – Breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs/potatoes/sausage/chunky salsa, fruit, orange juice.