With new construction on Highway 160 in the heart of town picking up over the last few years, its hard to miss a new building going up on the busy highway.
The latest structure to go up off the roadway, located at 1400 S. Highway 160, will be home to a retail store selling pistachios from a local orchard, according to the Nye County Planning Department.
Ron O.U. and Meili Thaxton, owner of O.U. Nuts pistachio orchard, an 18-acre site located at 3400 N. Blagg Road, are set to open the 1,800 square-foot space, featuring products grown in his orchard.
The site-development plan for the building has been approved by Nye County Planning, Public Works and Pahrump Valley Fire and Rescue and a building permit has been issued by Nye County Building and Safety.
The Thaxtons have yet to apply for a business license for the retail store, according to the town of Pahrump, and could not be reached for comment, after several attempts by the Pahrump Valley Times.
In addition to the building itself, construction plans for the property call for nine new paved parking spaces, including one Americans with Disabilities Act van-accessible space.
The Thaxtons, who are longtime residents of Pahrump, planted their first trees on their farm in early 2002, according to an interview done with KPVM-TV in 2014.
O.U. Nuts has been selling their products from the farm on site, at local retail stores and at various special events in town.
O.U. Nuts Farm was added to the Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce in July 2014.
The general contractor for the site, Andy Jordan of Serenity Homes, said that 800 square feet of the property would be rented out to a tenant yet to be determined.
Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.