Anyone looking for a fun, family-friendly festivity to enjoy this holiday can hop on over to Simkins Park to join the Mills family as they celebrate Easter Sunday with worship music, free food and an enormous 14,000-egg hunt that is sure to bring a smile to hundreds of faces.
“Easter is a family time: giving gifts to kids, hiding eggs (and hopefully finding them all) and just being together. Join us for a special celebration with something for everyone! Start a new tradition this year – bring your family and celebrate Easter!” a flyer announcing the event encourages.
Easter at Simkins Park is the continuation of a cherished childhood tradition started decades ago in Amargosa by local resident D.J. Mills’ father Dan and later brought to the valley by Mills and his sister Cassandra Selbach.
“Growing up in Amargosa, our father decided to hold an Easter celebration and invite the whole community, which was a really great activity and experience for everyone in attendance. This service of our father to the community really resonated with Cassandra and myself,” Mills told the Pahrump Valley Times this week.
When Selbach and Mills’ families started to grow, they began to notice that local Easter events were moving away from the traditional egg hunt, due to logistical challenges. That was when the two decided to put together an egg hunt for their own families but it quickly turned into much more than that.
“The following year, in 2008, we moved the egg hunt to Simkins Park and invited everyone we knew. We wanted to include all the families who had the similar idea of celebrating Easter at Simkins Park,” Mills said. “Over the years, we have been blessed to continue this amazing event with the support of countless individuals, organizations and businesses who make it possible.
“We have added additional fun and activities, including free food, more eggs, face painting, games, prizes, photo opportunities, crafts, worship music and have even had several years in the past when we were able to offer a church service in the park prior to the festivities. We continue to do this in loving memory of my dad Dan, and my sister Cassandra,” Mills continued. “At the root, we want to bring the community together for a fun day with their families and their community to celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection.”
This year’s event will include free hotdogs and water, along with worship music and face painting but the main attraction for the kiddos will undoubtedly be the egg hunt itself.
The egg hunt will take place in the traditional style, where everyone rushed to find the hidden treats. However, children will be separated into different age groups, to make certain all attendees are able to scoop up some goodies. Age groups will include babies age zero to one year, toddlers ages two to three, kids four to six, youngsters seven to nine and those ages 10 and older.
“The age 10-plus group will start out into the desert. The two youngest age groups are completely self-contained to ensure the kids can take their time to find and grab their eggs themselves and the parents can focus on watching, enjoying and taking pictures. Additionally, the two youngest groups will have two separate hunts, one starting at noon and a second starting 15 minutes later, that way families with different ages of children don’t have to choose which of their children to watch hunt!” Mills explained.
As for what the Mills family needs from the community to make this a success, Mills said first and foremost is community attendance.
“We welcome everyone to come and enjoy the festivities with their families and enjoy our incredible community,” he enthused.
In addition, volunteers would be helpful, both during the event as well as beforehand to set up and afterward to tear down.
“Donations are welcome too and at this point, any donations we receive will likely go toward the numerous ‘Golden Eggs’ that will also be hidden with cash inside,” Mills said.
Easter at Simkins Park will take place Sunday, March 31 beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Simkins Park is located at 1350 E. Simkins Road.
Anyone interested in volunteering or helping out can contact Mills at 775-513-8394 or Ryan Muccio at 702-672-6559.
Contact reporter Robin Hebrock at rhebrock@pvtimes.com