Nevada law enforcement focuses on distracted drivers

Law enforcement agencies statewide will be joining forces and focus on distracted drivers through April 15, the Nevada Highway Patrol reports.

The NHP said it will work diligently to urge motorists to keep your eyes on the road and put away cell phones or other items that cause distractions.

“Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting,” the NHP said in a statement. When traveling at 55 mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urges:

■ Drivers to put the cell phone down and focus on the road;

■ Drivers to set the destination prior to driving when using electronic devices for directions;

■ Passengers to speak up when a driver uses an electronic device;

■ People to offer to call or text for the driver, so the driver’s full attention focuses on driving;

■ People to always wear a seat belt.

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