A legal service that serves some of rural Nye County received high marks from one of the largest voluntary membership organizations in the world.
The American Bar Association awarded Nevada Legal Services the top prize for pro bono work done by legal aid programs during National Pro Bono week last month. The award was part of the association’s Day of Service Campaign to encourage private attorneys to provide free legal help to low-income people.
Nevada Legal Services provides legal help to residents in Amargosa Valley and Beatty.
The American Bar Association’s program “And Justice for All: An ABA Day of Service,” gathered tens of thousands of attorneys to volunteer their legal services to those in need on Oct. 30. The Day of Service came at the end of National Celebrate Pro Bono Week, which ran from October 25-31. This year’s event had 900 events in 45 states and Puerto Rico.
The sponsored events concentrated on using volunteer attorneys to increase the legal services offered to poor and vulnerable people.
“Lawyers provide more pro bono service than any other profession,” ABA President Paulette Brown said. “Pro bono work not only improves the profession and advances the rule of law, it also shows the nation that lawyers matter and helps make our nation’s pledge of ‘justice for all’ a reality.”
Executive Director of Nevada Legal Services, Anna Marie Johnson, explained the firm was excited to have their efforts recognized.
“We’re very pleased that the ABA has recognized the depth and breadth of our work to bring legal services to poor and vulnerable Nevadans across the state,” Johnson said. “Sadly, given the recent recession, there are still thousands of Nevadans living in poverty who can’t afford the legal help they need. We hope that next year we can utilize our wonderful volunteer attorneys to provide even more help to poor and rural Nevadans.”
Nevada Legal Service’s Day of Service Campaign this year included events across Nevada. Those included free legal clinics for low-income people in Las Vegas, Winnemucca, Reno, Yerington, Carson City, Elko, Beatty, Gardnerville and Amargosa Valley.
These clinics provided legal advice and help on various subjects including wills, sealing criminal records and starting a small business. Nevada Legal Services also held training to teach local attorneys how to help victims of human trafficking.
Nevada Legal Services is a statewide legal aid organization that provides free legal assistance to low-income people throughout Nevada. For more information, contact Kris Bergstrom-Norwood at 702-386-0404 x117 or kbergstrom@nlslaw.net.
Contact reporter Mick Akers at makers@pvtimes.com. Follow @mickakers on Twitter.